PDA 737-200 Full schedule
now ready ! |
The Boeing 737-200 schedules are out
there now. They cover the Solomon
Islands, Nauru, and Tonga, and including the hubs of Fiji and Tahiti.
Also on 737-200 schedule, are the Australian East coast Airports of
Brisbane, Cairns and Townsville. There are others, but I will
let you explore.These aircraft also
fly to some of the smaller fields so you'll need to be aware !. No
10,000' runways here ! [These airports are well within the aircraft
capabilities, but you will need to take care !] |
PDA ATR schedules nearly
ready. |
Schedules for the ATR's are just
being finalised now, and should be ready by the end of the week (30th
Jan 2005) so keep an eye out. perhaps the 'Directions' news-hound will
find out before me !
Two out of the three will most likely be hub based, one out of
Fiji and the second out of Tahiti, with the third perhaps loosely
based out of Rarotonga (NCRG), to provide cover for the central South
Pacific islands.
As with the Boeing 732 aircraft
above, these ATR's will be running to some of the smaller Islands and
will require careful planning and preparation. Have fun ! |
Clear sky's, and happy flying -
Rob W
UKD192 Mr. Prop Head.
Last update 10th March 2006 |