Ferry Flights Page
A Brief History of PDA Ferry Flights
Pacific Direct Airways has always delivered its own aircraft, from place of purchase, then
on out to its Pacific destination. The airline was formed when UKDirect were unable
to sell its two Boeing 747-200 aircraft which were moth-balled in Prestwick.
A new Division was formed, out in the Pacific, which would be
able to utilise UKDirects' unused fleet aircraft. First flights were the 747's from Prestwick to Fiji
and Tahiti, later came the marathon ATR flights from the UK to the Pacific. The rest is History.
Aircraft |
Route and flight plans |
(zipped) |
Boeing 747-200 DQ-PDA Boeing 747-200 DQ-PDB |
ATR72-500 DQ-CDA ATR42-500 DQ-CDB ATR42-500 DQ-CDC |
Boeing 737-800 DQ-PDE Boeing 737-800 DQ-PDF |
Boeing 737-200 DQ-PDG Boeing 737-200 DQ-PDH |
Prestwick/EGPK -> Anchorage/PANC -> Hawaii/PHNL -> Tahiti/NTAA |
1-6 |
Edinburgh/EGPH -> Southend/EGMC -> Paris(Orly)/LFPO -> Geneva/LSGG -> Rome/LIRF -> Kerkira/LGKR -> Souda Bay/LGSA |
7-11 |
Souda Bay/LGSA -> Alexandria/HEAX -> Aqaba/OJAQ -> Kuwait/OKBK -> Abu Dhabi/OMAA -> Seeb(Oman)/OOMS |
12-19 Travel from Karachi/OPKC via the snowy Himalayas to Bangkok/VTBD in the Heart of Asia. |
Seeb(Oman)/OOMS -> Karachi/OPKC -> Ahmadabad(India)/VAAH -> New Delhi/VIDP -> Kathmandu/VNKT -> Paro/VQPR -> Dibrugarh(Mohanbari)/VEMN -> Mandalay/VYMD -> Bangkok/VTBD |
20-33 |
Bangkok/VTBD -> Phuket/VTSP -> Kuala Lumpur/WMKK ->
Singapore/WSSS -> Jakarta/WIIH -> Denpasar/WRRR -> El_Tari/WRKK -> Darwin/YPDN -> Gove/YPGV -> Weipa/YBWP -> Port_Moresby/AYPY -> Hoskins/AYHK -> Honiara/AGGH -> Vanuata/NVVV -> Nadi /NFFN |
1-6 |
Edinburgh/EGPH -> Southend/EGMC -> Paris(Orly)/LFPO -> Geneva/LSGG -> Rome/LIRF -> Kerkira/LGKR -> Souda Bay/LGSA |
7-11 |
Souda Bay/LGSA -> Alexandria/HEAX -> Aqaba/OJAQ -> Kuwait/OKBK -> Abu Dhabi/OMAA -> Seeb(Oman)/OOMS |
1-6 |
Edinburgh/EGPH -> Southend/EGMC -> Paris(Orly)/LFPO -> Geneva/LSGG -> Rome/LIRF -> Kerkira/LGKR -> Souda Bay/LGSA |
7-11 |
Souda Bay/LGSA -> Alexandria/HEAX -> Aqaba/OJAQ -> Kuwait/OKBK -> Abu Dhabi/OMAA -> Seeb(Oman)/OOMS |
Updated 29 March 2005